Saturday 10 September 2016


What does a lady do when she is in love with a guy she’s very much compatible with but her dad and her dad’s first son is against the relationship because they are not pleased with the guy’s father.

The lady refuses to let go so they have started denying her benefits and support.


Well…this sister needs to be prayerful. I mean it has to be her lifestyle and she needs to do it more in this season of her life.

She should always remember to rest in God this season because panicking is her worse enemy really at this time. She should remember that if God "really" gave her this guy, He will keep him for her...and there is no “gra-gra” that will take that away.

After establishing this fact that will at least keep her alive to see the marriage (with good health by having rest of mind)

She should go and talk to the brother and Father separately and try to ask them...what the matter really is. What is the problem you have with this guy? Listen, she has to do this with her heart. She might have even done this before but let her try it again. See, Delilah used her Feminine power to get what she wanted and she wasn't even born again –she used it in the wrong way. Where am I going to with that example? With the prayers, this lady has the power (with God) to break this men for the marriage to prevail. She just has to start by sincerely wanting to listen to them –to know what their pain is. What are they seeing that she isn't seeing?

Hmmmm....this stage requires this isn't an ATM 21 century method. This is real life! So patience is key –remembering that what's yours is yours.

The lady can have people that they "respect" talk to them. This isn’t just a Pastor thing. If they don't respect whoever she brings, they will keep talking but they wouldn’t listen (this has happened to someone i know). So be it a business man, pilot, whoever they respect that is on her side and understands her obviously (and it will be good that he is in Christ too), can come talk to them.

In addition, is her mum late? We don't know that. But if she's alive, she can and should come into this matter.

She has to choose to be open. Yes I saw that you wrote that they are compatible and all, but marriage is a life time & a life walk. It's not time to make a decision on the spur of the moment, but it's time for her to watch "again" while praying. We don't know if these men are averting something and they probably might not...point long as it concerns her, she has to follow peace with all men. She has to find a way to marry with all her family at peace at least to an extent.

She can practically put this into action and see results as God helps her take next steps. One thing is for sure, even those opposing her will eventually be at peace with her If this Marriage is God's will.

This too shall pass and she will grow from the experience that is sure.

Others have had same cases and beautiful testimonies.

contributed by Nkechi Chiazor

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