Friday, 21 October 2016


This is the concluding part of the post about trousers.

If you missed it, read it here...
This is the concluding part of the question: “If putting on trousers outside church or any Christian gathering is the right thing to do, then why is it frowned upon when worn to church?  OR Does it mean my putting on trousers and sitting down on the altar make the altar unholy?”
If you missed the first part, read here
Now having read and understood the first part, I am going somewhere. It is obvious that God isn't talking about the kind of trousers that women wear today.
1. They didn't exist in those days
2. These trousers are made for women!!!

Women aren't wearing their brother's trousers typical men's wear (that would be wrong)
The very first person to invent "trousers for women" is Amelia Bloomer....and her motive for doing this was for 'ease' for women.
In those days as fashion kept evolving women usually wore multi layered heavy and long (sweeping the ground) kind of dresses. Not all women obviously, but it was rampant at a particular era. It was due to the discomfort and health hazard....that was affecting them then, that made Amelia come up with her first collection. (It's funny...because it even had a skirt on top of the trousers sef) Just to try to keep it feminine in the 19th century then.
As time went on trouser for women kept evolving for sports, bicycling etc, there were various needs for "feminine comfort" and clothing was just provided to help meet that need.
Why did i give all these history?
Why didn't I just answer in a sentence?
It is because many people haven't gotten to the root of the 'motive and reason' for trousers so they keep asking and asking and asking and feeling guilty. The standards are clear
1pet 3.3-4Vs 4 especially says "Clothe yourself instead with beauty that comes from within, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit"
 As I conclude
Trousers today for women have evolved. Just like there's this gown that men wear to sleep now especially Muslim guys wear this kind if gown, can't remember the name, but I believe we all know the gown I am talking about.
What we have today is trouser for women for smartness, sports, NYSC man o war, Police force, swimming, Female technician and so much more.
These are the reason why women wear trousers and the one that isn't synonymous with any occupation is basically for smartness...e.g moving from point A  to B, Entrying Okada, Not wanting to show your skin and so on.
I personally wore trouser today for smartness and for the cold.
The only defect is when your trouser is causing sin...e.g too tight, revealing your bump and so on...
If it covers you modestly, Trouser my dear doesn't defile the Altar.It is just ordinary clothe.
Jesus still said it, "It is what comes out of a man that makes Him unclean"...not all the external display and drama, dressing etc.
His words are still true today.It is really what comes out that can be a challenge. If you were using swear words and they chased you, that's different. But not for wearing a "Very Feminine Clothing"
Afterall you weren't looking like a man were you? *smiles* You couldn't have...because your trousers are made for females, just like robes, gowns etc are also made for men.
 Ohh....I forgot to add
Act with wisdom.
You know the truth now.
But if it's still a big deal to your church or community doesn't force it, just obey whatever rules.
The point is "You now know the Truth"
If you want to change their mind set in church, fine.
But please that shouldn't be a distraction for the real reason you're in GOD'S Presence.
Else go to a place that you feel is good for you and your new understanding instead of having strife, challenges and unnecessary talks

contributed by Nkechi Chiazor
send your questions to

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