Tuesday, 29 November 2016


I would like to know if it’s good to flaunt one’s partner on social media. And when I say partner, I mean partners in a relationship and not married partners.

On this topic or question, it really depends on what you and your partner value and see as priority. Before Social Media came especially I.G., people have been surviving in relationships. So with or without it, relationships will rise and relationships will fall.

I am just trying to say...this is one of the topics that we cannot necessarily give a one way answer to. 

If you're in a relationship with a guy, most girls are so happy and overwhelmed and therefore feel the best way to show "this emotion" is by telling the world. And to prove that what they feel, they express themselves (even outside relationships); you see it all over their IG pages. From them sleeping to them eating etc.

You don't expect someone that expresses her personal life on Instagram to keep quiet when it is relationship time, do you? Same thing with those that are very private...they wouldn't do the whole social media thing....it doesn't necessarily make them better than those that do. For example, I personally don't advertise my relationship online. I would rather write a very romantic long note or do  something great for him and I have some friends that would do both.

So what's your motive?  Celebration? Promotion?

There's nothing wrong with celebrating even your friend on Social Media for some great achievement, However you know you're going wrong when you're doing that to boost your Esteem or to do competition with another girl or any wrong reason. I already listed some very “okay” and excellent reasons to post online, if you must.

As I conclude Philippians 4:5 teaches us "Let moderation be known unto all men"-KJV

So be moderate. Your moderation should even multiply when you're not married yet. Plus I know we are in the social media age, but I would personally advise, if you're not engaged for Marriage yet...You can calm down a bit until you both have set your course on exactly when you want to get married (of course in the first place you have to be in a relationship going somewhere).

So be sure you're in a reasonable stage before you start advertising if you choose to do so. Don't feel choked; it's not bad, your love story sef can even be encouraging another person if you're posting really reasonable stuffs alongside the picture

However be Moderate. And if you are scared of disappointment, you don't even want to know, then kindly use Social Media for the purpose why you opened it in the first place and keep celebrating your man on the inside.

The point is Social Media or Inner media, don't be excessive -even in all aspects of your life.

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